Providing much more than just buttery smooth animation, the 120 frames per second mode of Nioh Remastered also makes Team Ninja’s action RPG effort feel much more responsive than it ever has. With sophisticated hack and slash combat that is bolstered by an extremely nuanced Ki Pulse system which rewards players with special buffs and stat boosts at key intervals, and a whole range of play style altering weaponry to use, Nioh’s third person combat still remains one of the best in the genre.Įlsewhere, the 120 frames per second mode that Nioh Remastered boasts on PlayStation 5 is also a superb addition to the game for those lucky folks that have a HDMI 2.1 compliant display hooked up to their PlayStation 5. Perhaps more so than any other aspect of its design however, it’s the combat that makes Nioh Remastered such a thoroughly engrossing effort that stands tall even today amongst its genre stablemates. From the absolutely terrifying nightmarish visage of Nue (see the screenshot below) to the seductive evil of Joro-gumo, the sheer variety of enemies that you’ll face in Team Ninja’s masterpiece arguably sits atop of the soulslike genre – and yes, that does include the likes of Dark Souls and Demon’s Souls too. Then there are the enemies that you’ll face in Nioh – and what a bunch they are. As players take up the mantle of Irish warrior William Adams as he cuts a swathe through the mystical corruption of 1600s fictional Japan, the player is treated to all manner of astounding locations such as the Kyushu, Tokai regions and much more besides. Certainly, Nioh has aged incredibly gracefully here. That said, it seems churlish to criticise a game on such a technical level when it’s obvious that the bounty of its visual opulence lay in its extravagant art style, character designs and mystical, Sengoku-era environments. Related Content – Sony PS5 Complete Guide – A Total Resource On PlayStation 5 This is still very much a 2017 videogame and it shows as low-res textures still abound in various places and character models which certainly look like products of their time. That said, it is worth remembering that the increase in resolution does little to improve the texture detail and geometric complexities of Nioh’s game world. I wouldn't necessarily bother respeccing so early on at some point you'll want to get basically every stat to at least 19-20. Spirit to unlock guardian spirit passives.

When played in its resolution focused preset, Nioh Remastered is the best it is ever looked, boasting a razor sharp visual presentation and gorgeously lit environments. Showing 1 - 12 of 12 comments Goilveig 5:05pm You'd level dex and magic to unlock Ninjutsu and Onmyo skills and mystic arts.